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Causes & How to Prevent Frequent Nosebleeds that Won’t Stop this Winter in Draper, UT

If it seems like the winter months are filled with frequent nosebleeds, it isn’t your imagination. Winter is the most common time of the year when people experience frequent nose bleeding. It can be more than irritating, especially when you are in public and anxious to have the bleeding stop. ENT Specialists are here to share why winter means nosebleeds and some tips to help you stop a nosebleed fast when you experience one.

Cause of Nosebleeds in Winter

In many parts of the country, the winter months bring with them cold winds and plummeting temperatures. It also brings frequent nosebleeds for several people. This is due mostly to low humidity levels in the air. There is a delicate membrane inside your nose. When that membrane is dry and cracks, you experience a nose bleed. All it might take is a simple sneeze, cough or blowing your nose to cause the tiny blood vessels in your nose to rupture just below the surface and a nose bleed happen. If you are taking a blood thinner for any reason or are on steroids, the problem may be even more severe.

Simple Steps to Stop a Nosebleed

For most people, stopping a nosebleed doesn’t take drastic measures. Here are some tips that will help you stop your nose bleed as soon as possible this winter.
1. Lean Forward– Sometimes the first reaction to a nose bleed might be to lean back. When you lean back, all of the blood rushes down your esophagus and into your stomach. This can cause vomiting as well as diarrhea and should be avoided.
2. Pinch– Pinch the soft part of your nose using your thumb and index finger.
3. Press Firmly– You will need to breath out your mouth as you pinch your nose and press firmly toward your face. This will help compress the nose.
4. Hold– You will need to hold this position for at least five minutes; sometimes you will find you need to hold it longer.
5. Keep Your Head Elevated– You should sit still with your head elevated above your heart. Laying back or putting your head between your legs will only make things worse.
6. Apply Ice– Once you have followed the above steps, apply ice to your nose and cheek area. This will help avoid any more bleeding and promote clotting.

Treatment for Nosebleeds

Once you have followed these steps you should be free of your nosebleed. ENT Specialists highly recommend using a humidifier during the winter to add moisture to the air. This will help your nose receive the moisture it needs to keep from cracking and bleeding easily. If you are experiencing nosebleeds that seem to be more severe than normal, it may be time to set an appointment with one of our skilled physicians to formulate a custom treatment plan that may include cautery and nasal packingCall us today to schedule a consultation with one of our trusted doctors.

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