Common Reasons & How to Stop Dry, Uncontrollable Coughing at Night in Salt Lake City, UT
Some have had similar experiences where they have felt good throughout the day, without having any kind of symptoms suggesting that you are ill. However, after tucking yourself into bed you get a tickly feeling in the throat, which cause a slight cough, and within minutes you are having a full-on coughing fit that makes you think you are about to cough up a lung. Interfering with your sleep, you are nothing short of irritable the next day. When you know you do not the common cold or other types of respiratory infections, there other reasons as to why you sporadically get the night time cough.
Reasons Why You Can’t Stop Coughing at Night
Acid Reflux: GERD, or acid reflux disease can trigger a cough, especially when lying down. The same cause for indigestion and heartburn from the acid in your stomach can easily wash into your lungs. In the event that you believe that GERD is the reason your cough keeps you up nights, consider eating a smaller dinner earlier in the evening in addition to using a couple of pillows to prop your head up. If these little adjustments do not help, look into over the counter medications to further control the acid flares.
Asthma: The image of someone gasping for air is what most people conjure up when they think of people with asthma. Where this is often a primary symptom, more often than not, those with asthma endure dry cough. If you are uncertain if asthma is the cause, make an appointment with your physician to get checked.
Medications Can Cause a Cough: Side effects from medication can result in dry cough. If you are regularly taking medication, talk to your pharmacist about potential side effects concerning dry cough.
Iron Deficiency Cough: Contributing to a chronic cough, a diet lacking certain nutrients negatively impacts the body. For example, a body low in iron will experience a common symptom that is when the swelling and irritation in the back of your throat leads to different degrees of coughing. An iron supplement may be all that is needed to correct the issue and suppress those coughs that creep during your nights.
Sinusitis: A sinus infection that won’t go away or other long-term sickness as well as allergies that seem to leave you with a chronic stuffy nose might also be the culprit that is making you cough when you try to lie down for the night. The mucus can drip down the back of the throat, which is known as postnasal drip. When the sinuses are clogged it causes an annoying tickle. Over the counter allergy meds or a prescription nasal spray could help clear your sinuses, or other remedies that your health provider can help you find the solution.
Throat Care
ENT Specialists can help you with your night time cough if you are having difficulty pinpointing the cause. Once we have performed an exam, got some information, and possibly ran a few tests, we can help you with the most optimal solution to kick the cough to help you sleep at night. Call us today for an appointment!
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