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Complications of Untreated Obstructive & Central Sleep Apnea in Tooele, UT; Treatment & More

When a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep, it could be a very serious sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea left untreated causes people to stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep; in some cases, they can stop breathing hundreds of times throughout the night. The brain and the rest of the body is not getting enough oxygen. Today, we at the ENT Specialists of Salt Lake City, UT would like to elaborate briefly on sleep apnea.

Obstructive & Central Sleep Apnea

There are two different types of sleep apnea; OSA and central sleep apnea.
OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The most common of the two forms of sleep apnea is caused because the airway is blocked, typically when during sleep the soft tissue in the back of throat collapses.
Central Sleep Apnea: The airway is not blocked like in OSA, but instead due to the instability in the respiratory control center, the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe.

Risk Factors of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can affect anyone at anyone; men, women, and children. However, below will increase the risk of sleep apnea.
– Males
– Overweight
– Over the age of 40 years
– Larger neck size (males with 17 inches or more and women with 16 inches or more)
– Large tonsils or tongue
– Small jaw bone
– Family history of sleep apnea
– Gerd or gastroesophageal reflux
– Nasal obstruction due to allergies, sinus issues, or deviated septum

Complications of Untreated Sleep Apnea

If left untreated, sleep apnea can develop other medical problems that include one or more of the following:
– Depression
– Diabetes
– Headaches
– Heart attack, irregular heartbeats, heart failure
– High blood pressure
– Stroke
– Worsening of ADHD
Additionally, those suffering from sleep apnea commonly notice poor performance in daily activities, including school, work, driving, and other general tasks.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

1) Loud Snoring
2) Having a sore or dry throat when waking up.
3) During the day you feel sleepy or you lack energy.
4) Sleepy while driving.
5) Waking with a choking or gasping sensation on occasion.
6) Restless sleep.
7) Morning headaches.
8) Mood changes, forgetfulness, or decrease sex-drive.
9) Insomnia.

Polysomnography Procedure & Results

If you and your doctor suspect sleep apnea, the doctor will likely want to schedule a sleep apnea test known as polysomnography, which can be done at a sleep study center or even in the home. It records specific physical activities while you sleep with a multiple-component test that electronically transmits the information. The recordings are analyzed by a specialist to determine if you have sleep apnea as well as recommend treatment options. Treatment for sleep apnea is dictated by the individual’s circumstances, but can include any of following solely or in combination:
Mild treatment –
– Weight loss
– Avoiding sleeping medication and alcohol
– Adjusting sleep positions to improve breathing (avoid sleeping on your back)
– Stop smoking
Moderate to severe treatment –
– Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP a mask worn over the mouth and nose during sleep)
– Sleep Apnea and Dental Devices
– Surgical Options (Nasal Surgery, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), or Mandibular maxillomandibular advancement surgery)

Tonsilectomy, Adenoidectomy, Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Laser, Somnoplasty, Genioglossus & Nasal Surgery for Sleep Apnea

If you feel you that you or your child may be suffering from sleep apnea, make a consultation appointment with the ENT Specialists and let our experts assess your symptoms to determine if a sleep apnea test is necessary. In the event you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, we can discuss treatment options specific for you.

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