Do I Have a Cold or Allergies in Tooele, UT? Stuffy Nose, Body Temperature, Wheezing & More
There are lots of people that seem to suffer from seasonal allergies. This means you likely have a regimen on hand to treat the symptoms that can sometimes take over your life. The allergies you face can bring a series of symptoms that can cause a wrinkle in your day. An allergy is a reaction that someone has to something they touch, breathe in or ingest. The reactions can range from minor to quite major and sometimes even debilitating. It is a great idea to know what the allergies are that you suffer from. You also want to make sure you are prepared for the season that tends to be bring the cold and flu more commonly than other seasons. The winter season is the time that people are unsure if they are suffering from allergies or if they have a cold. There are ways to tell what you might be suffering from based on the symptoms. ENT Specialists outlines the differences between colds and allergies.
Stuffy Nose
One of the symptoms that tops the list of problems whether you have a cold or allergies is the presence of a stuffy nose. When you have a stuffy nose it can also lead to a runny nose that you are constantly grabbing a Kleenex to take care of. The runny nose symptom may seem similar when you have a cold or allergies but they are different. When you are suffering from allergies the runny and stuffy nose will be clear and watery mucus. When you have a cold that same symptom will be present through the illness but the mucus has a very different look. The mucus when you have a cold is usually thick and yellow.
Body Temperature
When you have allergies no matter the time of year that it is occurring you know that all the symptoms that you suffer from will not include a change in the body temperature. When you are sick with a cold you will notice that many times you have a change in body temperature. A cold will bring a fever that can cause you to feel uncomfortable and need a fever reducer to care for it. If you notice a fever you are likely not suffering from your normal allergy symptoms.
Wheezing when Breathing In
When you are sick with a cold as long as it is a standard cold you should not have trouble with lung function. The cold will not get in the lungs and create what is called wheezing. The wheezing is usually happening when the lungs are being restricted and often is due to inflammation. The wheezing is something that happens when you have allergies and should be treated by a professional. You want to make sure that if your allergies are also bringing wheezing you talk to a professional about how to control your symptoms.
Allergy Testing & Treatments
ENT Specialists can help to test for allergies that you may have and a great way to keep the symptoms under control. Call us today!
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