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ENT Doctors Pull Live Cockroach from Women’s Skull After Detecting with a Nasal Endoscopy

Cockroaches are notorious for being disgusting creatures. They feast on filth and reproduce like crazy, making infestation a common result. The thought of a cockroach crawling anywhere on your body makes most people squirm. ENT Specialists is here to talk about a cockroach that actually crawled up a woman’s nose, causing her a lot of pain.

Woman in India Complains of Extreme Headache

Recently, in India a woman was startled out of her sleep in incredible pain. When her headache was so severe that she was having a difficult time catching her breath, she knew something must be wrong. Not only was the pain severe, but she was describing it as an itchy kind of pain, which had doctors scratching their heads.

Endoscopy Uncovers Cockroach in Her Skull

As the ENT doctor was trying to diagnose the source of pain in this poor woman’s head, he conducted an endoscopy which yielded no results at first. As he took a closer look through the nasal endoscope, he saw it. An insect of some sort, about an inch in length. With the proper tools, which included suction machines and forceps, they were able to unveil the insect, finding it to be a cockroach. The process was long; it took almost 45 minutes to extract the cockroach from the woman’s skull. Not only was it a cockroach, but one that was still very much alive. The cockroach had lodged itself at her skull base which is right between the nose and the brain.

A Live Cockroach Means Health Problems if Left in Skull

The ENT who made the startling cockroach discovery, later stated that if that cockroach had not been removed, it could have put the woman at risk for other serious health issues. If the cockroach would have been left alone, it would have most likely died before too much time had passed. It that would have happened, the risk of infection would have been incredibly high. When infections are severe, they put the patient at risk of permanent health problems and even death. Luckily, this woman had the cockroach removed while it was still alive, and her pain quickly subsided. Within 12 hours her breathing had also regulated.

How to Keep Cockroach from Climbing in Your Nose While You Sleep

The first question you might find yourself asking is “how can I avoid this happening to me?” Unfortunately, there really isn’t any way of keeping bugs from crawling in your nose while you are sleeping. If you ever feel a sudden, extreme headache for any reason, you should seek medical attention as soon as you can. You will most likely not have a cockroach lodged in your skull, since this is very rare, but there are several other health problems you could be experiencing.

Ear, Nose & Throat Services

ENT Specialists offer a variety of services to keep your ears, nose and throat in good health. If you feel you are having any issues with these areas, don’t hesitate to give us a call to make an appointment.

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