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FAQ’s for Office Balloon Sinus Dilation Procedure

1. Is the procedure covered by insurance? Yes, many insurance providers cover this procedure. Your doctor will get prior-authorization from your insurance carrier to verify your benefits.

2. Does it hurt? You will experience facial pressure, which is normal, but pain should be at a minimum. Should you experience pain at any time during procedure, your doctor can adjust your anesthesia medication to maximize your comfort.

3. Will I be put to sleep? No, general anesthesia is not administered. Patients will usually be given oral, topical, and local medication as part of anesthesia protocol. You will be awake, similar to a dental procedure.

4. Does the balloon stay in? No, once the balloon is in place it is dilated for a few seconds then deflated and removed. The “doorways” to your sinuses will be permanently remodeled.

5. What are most common post-op side effects? Some patients may experience headache, nasal congestion, minimal blood/mucus drainage, and facial pressure. This is temporary and in most cases will resolve the day after the procedure.

6. How long will I miss work/school? In most cases, patients can return to work/school the very next day. Your doctor will advise you of your limitations, if any.

7. How effective is Balloon Sinus Dilation? A recent study comparing Balloon Sinus Dilation to Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) showed that patients had similar outcomes. It is as successful as surgery. However, patients recover much quicker and require less debridements with balloon sinus dialtion.

8. How long will results last? There is not sufficient data showing long term efficacy and indefinite results (beyond 3 years). Your outcomes will typically depend on the severity of your sinus disease. There is a very low revision rate for this procedure (less than 10%)

9. Is any tissue removed? No, there is no tissue removal when dilating your sinuses. Your doctor will discuss possible removal of tissue with you only if you have structures in your nose that will make it difficult for him/her to perform the procedure.

10. How long does the procedure take? Total start to finish time is typically around 1 hour. The anesthesia protocol takes longer than the procedure itself, usually about 30-45 minutes. The actual balloon procedure takes about 15-20 minutes.

11. Will this cure my sinus disease? Unfortunately, there is no ‘cure’ for sinus disease. However, this procedure will decrease your chances of a sinus infection and greatly improve your quality of life by relieving associated symptoms.

12. Do I need to discontinue blood thinners prior to procedure? Your doctor will advise you depending on clearance from your prescribing physician.

13. Can I eat anything prior to procedure? Yes, we recommend eating a light meal before taking your preprocedure medication.

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