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How to Tell if a Baby is Tongue Tied in Draper, UT; Poor Speech Development & Other Symptoms

The majority of people often associate being tongue-tied as simply being too excited or nervous to express their words. Known as Ankyloglossia, being tongue-tied is a physical condition that is fairly common. Tongue tie is a congenital anomaly is the result by a shortened lingual frenulum. The lingual frenulum is a tight, thick band of tissue under the tongue and it controls movement and range of motion. When the tissue is compromised it can cause a decrease in the intended functions, which impacts the speech and feeding activities. Today, we at the ENT Specialists would like to elaborate on Ankyloglossia or being tongue tied.

Tongue-Tie Symptoms

With many babies that are born tongue tied, symptoms are not always experienced right away. Since the tissue of the lingual frenulum stretches as the child grows, the child will adapt to the restrictions associated with this condition in some cases. Symptoms of this condition include:
1) It is challenging to stick out the tongue far.
2) Social problems often restricted social development.
3) Speech complications often occur since the tongue cannot create distinct sounds of certain letters.
4) Teeth improperly form as well as the gaps forming between front lower teeth.
5) There is trouble breast feeding, particularly latching to the mother.
6) The tongue develops a heart shape or notch.
7) There is a tongue that struggles moving from side to side.
8) The upper teeth cannot be touched by the tongue.

Tongue Tie Therapy & Surgery

It can create physical barriers that range from nonexistent to mild and even severe if the condition is not corrected. Because this condition is not always blatantly obvious with a quick peek at the tongue, a physical exam by a health professional or ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) physician is almost always required. The physician will discuss the optimal solution for treatment with their patient as the shape and movement of the tongue is evaluated, if the condition is confirmed, depending on the severity. Depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the condition are for treatment options for Ankyloglossia. Listed below are some of the common treatment options.
1) Therapy: Some recommended oral exercise therapy may be all that is required to help with stretching, depending on the factors.
2) Frenuloplasty: In the event that there is a problem with speech later on, a doctor may propose a procedure where the lingual frenulum is clipped, and the wound is closed with stitches.
3) Medical Procedure: A candidate for the surgeon may clip the lingual frenulum are babies under a year-old experiencing feeding problems. If the frenulum stretches on its own and corrects itself if your child is older and there are no problems eating, your health care specialist may wait on the progress.

Pediatric ENT Surgery

Specific causes of being tongue-tied is unknown. As a cleft palate may be present in an infant in conjunction with tongue-tie, some believe it is connected with heredity other oral abnormalities. In most cases, if tongue tie is treated early on it does not cause long-term complications. This condition is very treatable. Make an appointment with ENT Specialists if you believe you or your child has a problem with tongue-tie.

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