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Recovery After Tonsillectomy Surgery in Tooele, UT; Throat Scabs, Diet, Rest & More

Any time that a surgery is performed there are lots of things that need to be thought through. The doctor you select will need to be one that you trust completely. The pros and cons of the surgery will need to be discussed. What happens during the surgery will also need to be explained to the patient. The recovery will also need to be talked about. Many times patients spend so much time thinking about what will happen before and during the surgery that they forget to think about what will happen after the surgery. Today ENT Specialists wants to talk about what you can expect after one our most common surgeries – the tonsillectomy.

What is a Tonsillectomy

A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the patient’s tonsils. Many times the adenoids are also removed during the procedure. Most of the time a tonsillectomy is recommended for patients that have had multiple bouts of strep throat or tonsillitis. The goal of the surgery is to prevent this from continuing to happen.

Tonsillectomy Recovery

After the surgery there is a definite recovery process that naturally occurs. The patient should plan on having quite a bit of pain for the first few weeks after the surgery. We recommend not planning on getting back to your normal routine until two weeks past your surgery date. By the end of the third week you should be feeling back to normal. For many patients the pain actually gets a little worse before it starts to get better. Since your throat and ears are so close together you may notice that your ears are hurting as well.

Tonsillectomy Throat Scabs

When you look at your throat after the surgery you will see a white coating on your throat. This coating is what is called the scab. About 5 to 10 days after your surgery the scab will come off. Some people notice when their scab comes off and others do not. If you notice your scab coming off it may alarm you. Please know that there is nothing wrong when this happens and it is not cause for alarm. You may also notice that there is some blood in your saliva when the scab comes off. This is also completely normal.

Avoid Crowds After Tonsillectomy

The first week of your recovery you will want to plan on avoiding crowds of people. We recommend that you plan on staying home. During the first two weeks after your surgery you will want to make sure that you take it easy so that your body can recover without any complications. You will want to make sure that you get plenty of rest. You should not participate in any exercise or strenuous activities for the first two weeks. You will want to make sure that you do get up a walk a little bit each day though to help keep your blood flowing.

Tonsillectomy Diet; What to Eat After Surgery

Your diet will need to be different for the first few weeks after your surgery. You will want to drink plenty of fluids. We do know that drinking will be painful at first but it is absolutely necessary. If you do not drink anything you run the risk of becoming dehydrated. You will want to avoid red food items, hot drinks, soda pop, juice, and other acidic food or drinks. Soft foods will feel the best for the first few weeks. You can slowly start adding in other foods as you feel up to up. Listen to your body!

Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy Surgery & More

We hope that this information will help you know what to expect as you begin your recovery after your tonsillectomy. If you have any other questions or concerns do not hesitate to call ENT Specialists. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have!

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