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Scar Revision & Removal Surgery & Procedure Types in Tooele, UT

Living with scars can make people feel withdrawn from the world and feel self conscious about their appearance, especially facial scarring and stretch marks. They are the leading complaints in today’s society. However there is hope with today’s technology. We have the ability to revise and reduce the appearance of scars with different scar revision surgeries. It is important to note that scar revision surgeries don’t just improve the appearances of scars on the body. They can also address medical issues as well such as restoring function of an affected body part or even to help relieve symptoms of pain. The medical professionals at ENT Specialists would like to talk about the different surgery options that are available to better help you understand each type and what options are best for you!

Types of Plastic Surgery Scar Removal & Revision Techniques

Punch Graft Surgery – Most useful for small but deep scars. Punch graft surgery is done by punching out a core of the skin that is scarred. Then they will fill the hole with unscarred skin or tissue from another area. Later the skin will heal with non-damaged skin cells that will greatly decrease the appearances of the scarred area.

Scar Excision – Done when the scars are larger and deeper. Scar excision is done by cutting out a large area of the scarred tissue and then resealing it. This is done to reduce the appearance of the scar but won’t completely remove it. For those who have big scars who just want to reduce the appearance of scars, scar excision is often recommended.

Z or W Plasty – Has been given its name because this surgery involves cutting a triangular flap of the scar in either a Z or W pattern. This is done to reposition old scars in a new place that are more natural to the con-curves of the face or body. This helps to reduce the appearance of the scars.

Non-Surgical Scar Revision Procedures

Other than surgeries, there are some less invasive scar revision procedures that will help reduce the appearance of scars. These procedures are usually done in incidences of minor scarring damage.

Autologous Fat Transfer AKA Collagen Injections – Done to fill in sunken or depressed scars. For example a stretch mark is a common case where this procedure is used.

Dermabrasion & Laser Resurfacing – One of the most common procedures done with scar revisions. This procedure improves the surface or top layer of the skin of the scar and decreases its appearance.

Skin Grafting or Skin Flaps – A procedure where healthy or non-damaged skin tissue is transplanted in the affected area. The scar is cut out and healthy skin returned in its place.

Tissue Expansion – Similar to skin grafting. This procedure is done when they cut out the scar but use the healthy skin next to the scar to help cover over it and reduce the appearance of the scar.

Facial & Body Scar Surgery & Treatment

These are the main ways you can help reclaim your self confidence and reduce the appearance of scars. ENT Specialists wants to help those reclaim their lives and find answers to their scarring problems. If you want help reducing the appearances of your scars, contact us today.

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