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Seasonal Allergy Relief Kit in Tooele, UT

For those who are suffering from spring time allergies, you may want to be prepared with all the items to help relieve your allergy symptoms. ENT Specialists will share what every person who suffers from spring time or even year around allergies should have with them as their allergy relief kit. These are some of the items you may want to consider keeping with you if you suffer from seasonal allergies.

Seasonal Allergy Relief Kit

Eye Drops – Those with allergies should have two types of eye drops; one they use before they leave their home, and another one they keep with them. The eye drop they use before they leave the home ideally helps protect eyes from pollen or other outdoor allergies and should contain ketotifen. The other eye drop should be a basic artificial eye drop to help flush out eyes as they become irritated.

Decongestant – For those who suffer from congestion, keep a few recommended decongestant medications on hand. This can greatly help you get through the day. There are many decongestants to choose from. You will want to consult with your doctor to see which one he or she recommends.

Nasal Spray – Nasal sprays will give immediate relief from congestion. If you have serious sinus congestion, a good nasal spray will immediately remove the congestion which should help you get through the discomfort. Consult your doctor as to which one is best for you.

Antihistamines – For best relief for those who know they suffer from allergies, especially during the spring time, an antihistamine works great at controlling allergies and its symptoms.

Bronchodilator – Those with asthma and who suffer from allergies, should never be without their bronchodilator. Allergies can trigger asthma attacks. This is why during allergy season those with asthma should keep their bronchodilator with their allergy relief kit.

Allergy Relief Cream – Skin can become itchy and red with certain allergy triggers. To sooth the rash and skin irritations, you should keep allergy relief cream with you as part of your allergy relief kit. This is especially essential for those with little ones who roll in the grass and need some relief after play time.

Medical Information – Not so much as a kit item, but well worth having is to always carry some kind of allergy identification with you in the event you are stung by a bee or other insect. Those who may suffer serious allergic reactions from stings or any other outdoor allergen should have a way to make that known if medical assistance is needed. In such an event, they are able to help you properly.

Allergy Clinic Education & Solutions

Once you have put together your allergy relief kit make sure you keep it with you or have it in a place that is easily accessed. You want to be able to have relief especially this coming allergy season. With all the plants waking up and pollinating has begun, now is the time to keep your allergy relief kit closer then ever. ENT Specialists hopes we were able to help prepare you this coming allergy season. For more help in relieving your allergies, contact ENT Specialists and make an appointment with us today.

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