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Seasonal Pollen Allergy Symptoms VS Year Round Perennial Allergies in Salt Lake City UT

So here are a few statistics; allergies are among the top 10 (sixth in fact) leading causes of chronic illness. Allergies can influence anyone. Race, age, religious background, male or female; it doesn’t discriminate. Allergic reactions can impact people seasonally or year round. Year round allergies are also known as perennial allergies and are contributed by year-round constant allergens, such as mold spores, pet dander, and dust mites for example. Symptoms hit more so in the winter, where people tend to spend more time indoors. Seasonal allergies stem from pollination that transpires through the seasons. Spring allergies include trees that pollinate March – May, grass is pollinated in the summer months, June – August, and weeds are the culprit in the fall from September until temperatures drop.

ENT Specialists expound upon seasonal allergies VS year round perennial allergies.

Causes, Symptoms, Medication & Treatment of Seasonal Allergies:

Though you may be wondering about the various causes bringing on allergy symptoms, there are contributing factors as to what can make your allergies more severe from day to day or season to season.
– On cool nights and warm days; trees, grass and ragweed pollen thrive.
– In the early morning hours, pollen has a tendency to be at its peak.
– Rainy days can give allergy sufferers a reprieve, as rain washes the pollen away. However, after the rain is over, the pollen count soars leaving you with intense allergy symptoms.
– On a calm day, the various airborne allergens will settle to the ground. But on the flip side, on warm and windy days, the pollen count sky rockets.
– A common mistake many folks make is attempting to move from one region to another in hopes of escaping allergies. Allergens are found everywhere, relocation doesn’t help. Ragweed is the most abundant and common source for allergies, and is found everywhere in the United States. It is especially concentrated in the Midwest through the East coast. Ragweed bloom and their pollens are released from August – November. Fall pollination also includes burning bush, cocklebur, lamb’s-quarter, pigweed, sagebrush, mugwort, tumble weed and Russian thistle.

To avoid seasonal allergies, consider the suggestions listed below:

– Monitor pollen count.
– During allergy season, keep windows and doors closed to your home and car.
– Avoid outdoor activities when pollen count is at its highest.
– After you have finished being outdoors, shower off allergy particulates from head to toe and change clothing.
– Talk to an ENT specialist to get premium treatment options.

Year Long Perennial Allergies Symptoms, Management & Treatment:

Perennial or year round allergies are contaminates that are present year round, like dust for example. The dust in any home actually contains an assortment of particles; pet dander if you keep indoor pets, dust mites, mold and/or fungal spores, insect waste and/or fragments, and fibers from fabric along with dirt. Substances derived from cockroaches contain many allergies most do not realize.

Here are some tips to prevent or reduce year long perennial allergy symptoms:

• Minimize the clutter and décor, such as knick knacks, shelves, magazines, and books that can collect dust.
• Frequently and efficiently clean furniture upholstery.
• Replace carpeted floors with tile or hardwood, and utilize throw rugs which are easier cleaned.
• Avoid draperies and shades and use blinds, and clean regularly.
• Routinely wash bedding, including pillow cases in hot water.
• Replace or clean air filters once a month.
• Regularly clean your home, relieving it of dust and allergens often.
• Contact ENT Specialists for treatment.

Allergy Calendar to Check Daily Pollen Count, Education & Tips for Otolaryngologist Allergy Skin Testing & Treatment at our Allergy Clinics in Salt Lake City, Tooele, & Murray Utah

Allergies can be a gruesome factor in your life. There are many things you can do in your daily life to reduce the symptoms or lessen the allergy attacks, but with ENT Specialists, we can also help medicate the constant suffering and alleviate the burdens of chronic allergy illnesses. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

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