Skin Care Myths, Misconceptions & Facts in Salt Lake City, UT
Marketers love to create ads that produce many myths about skin care products. These myths lure more people to buy their products. Unfortunately by misleading customers, disappointed shoppers see little results and think these products don’t work. ENT Specialists wants to bring these myths out into the open and reveal how some can be misleading. We will look at the true nature of skin care products, and how the right ones can benefit the right person.
Best Skin Care Regime for 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s & More
First myth to be busted: Many believe that you buy a skincare product based on your age. These so-called age based products are a false advertisement. A 50 year old could have the same skin type as a 30 or 20 year old. Let’s face it, oily skin or clogged pores don’t mysteriously disappear in your 50’s or older. Same for dried or dull skin. Your skin ages every day and it starts a lot earlier than our 50’s. With a good diet and drinking plenty of water, skin care products will benefit all skin types and those of every age.
What Are Hypoallergenic Face Washes, Moisturizers & Body Lotions for Sensitive Skin?
Second myth to be busted today: Some marketers love to use the term Hypoallergenic in their skin care products and tell you they are better for sensitive skin. The term Hypoallergenic is being used to say this product is less likely to cause allergic reactions and is better used for those prone to allergies. One major problem is there are no ingredient regulations. So how do you actually determine if the product is hypoallergenic? This is a buzz word created by marketers. Instead, for those with sensitive skin or prone to allergies; look for a product label with terms like gentle or fragrance free.
Teen VS Adult Acne Skin Care Products
Another myth that’s out there is that you’ll outgrow acne. Therefore, they have products for teens and products for adults. Well folks; acne is acne and it is the same for a teen as it is for an adult. Yes hormones trigger more acne during our teen years but the fact remains that a zit is the result of an infected pore. You still carry these hormones into adulthood, but they are just under more control. There are face cleansers and skin care products that fight acne, but don’t be lured by an age based product. For those who are active and outside a lot, you will have some level of acne. You should be using a good face cleanser right after any kind of rigorous activity that causes you to sweat.
Skin Care Product Treatment for Age Spots Should Include Hydroquinone
Have you heard the term “Age Spots?” This is another buzz word that occurs as you get older. There are products out there targeting this problem. However age has nothing to do with these spots. They can come at any time during a person’s life. Usually age spots are the result of environmental exposure that leads to enzymes on your skin’s surface. This causes visible skin blemishes. Don’t be fooled by a product labeled for “Age Spots.” Instead what you want in a skin care product for this problem is the ingredient Hydroquinone. Hydroquinone does wonders for skin that has been affected by enzymes or so call aged spots. Additionally to Hydroquinone, keep an eye out for products with vitamin C, Niacinamide, and plant extracts like arbutin. These are all great product ingredients for treating age Spots.
Best Skin Care Brands & Products
There are some great skin care products that will keep your skin beautiful and healthy, but don’t get lost or mislead by the marketers and advertisers. Of course, everyone wants to make money, but your skin still deserves a good product that works. ENT Specialists can consult with and advise you on the proper skin care products you need. Contact us today for you proper skin care treatment and products.
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