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Tips to Help You Deal With Dizziness

Tips to Help You Deal With Dizziness

When you were a kid, feeling dizzy was the goal of a lot of fun and games: spinning in circles and amusement park rides that left you feeling wobbly were all part of the experience. But as you age, dizziness isn’t so fun anymore — and sometimes, it can be a sign of an underlying problem.

At ENT Specialists, our team is skilled in treating dizziness using an array of techniques tailored to each person’s symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and more. We can help you at our offices in Salt Lake City, Murray, Draper, Tooele, and West Jordan, Utah, if you find yourself feeling dizzy. Here’s what you can do to stop those unpleasant sensations.

The many causes of dizziness

As many as 20% of Americans suffer from symptoms of dizziness or vertigo every year, making it a very common medical complaint for plenty of women and men. Lots of issues can cause dizziness, which is probably one reason it’s so common. 

Some possible causes of dizziness include:

Dizziness often causes a problem with balance, and it can significantly increase your risks of falls and fall-related injuries. Sometimes, dizziness happens alongside vertigo, a condition that causes you to feel like the room is spinning around you.

Dealing with dizziness

First of all, dizziness isn’t normal, so if you routinely feel dizzy, your first step should be to schedule a visit with our team. 

During your office visit, the doctor asks you about your symptoms — how often they occur and what they feel like. They also review your medical history, ask you about any recent injuries or illnesses, and review the medications you’re taking. In some cases, they may order blood tests, MRIs, X-rays, or CT scans to confirm or rule out a diagnosis.

You should call the office right away if dizziness is accompanied by: 

If you have dizziness that’s not caused by a serious medical condition, there are some simple things you can do to reduce your symptoms:

Depending on your specific habits and lifestyle, our team might suggest a change in medications, audiology testing, diagnostic imaging, balance therapy, or other treatments.

Find relief for your dizziness

When it happens on rare occasions, dizziness is annoying. But when it happens regularly, it can be a sign of something more serious.

To learn what’s causing your dizziness and to find out about the dizziness treatments we offer at our offices, call or book an appointment online today.

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