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Tonsillectomy in Adults; What to Expect After Tonsil Removal Surgery in Murray, UT

Tonsils that only get infected every once in awhile do not require any serious treatment and you can typically just ride it out. But if a patient suffers from excessive tonsil infections that lead to other problems, like sleep apnea for instance, your doctor may likely decide you are better off without tonsils. Tonsillitis is the most likely infection, caused by bacteria or viruses, and they produce sore throats, fevers, as well as tonsils that are coated with a white or yellow film, are swollen and are red. Once you have had the tonsils removed following surgery, you will not be inflicted with tonsillitis anymore. Additionally, removing the tonsils with surgery will also help people suffering from constant swollen tonsils and sleep apnea as other issues sleeping. Today, we at ENT Specialists would like to discuss the surgical experience and what you can expect.

Risks of Tonsil Removal Surgery

There are countless benefits to undergoing surgery to have your tonsils removed, but there are some risks that people should be aware of. These risks include reactions to the anesthesia, which is why it is essential to be truthful when asked about your medical history. Other risks include:
– Bleeding. Though rare, bleeding can occur, and it means you have to stay in the hospital longer. Additionally, as you heal you may, have bleeding.
Infection. Another rare occurrence, but it’s a small risk with most surgeries.
– Swelling. Causing difficulty breathing, the roof of your mouth and tongue may swell following the first few hours after surgery.

Procedure of Having Tonsil Removed

You will be given a general anesthesia, keeping you asleep during the procedure. Generally, surgeons will simply use a scalpel to remove the tonsils where others prefer a tool that uses heat, sound waves, laser, or cold temperatures. They all work effectively. Typically, the procedure takes 20-45 minutes. Following the surgery, patients will spend 2 – 4 hours in a recovery room. Some people will feel nausea or possibly throw up after they wake up as a common side effect as the anesthesia wearing off.

Tonsillectomy Healing Process

Healing varies, but it generally takes 10-14 days to heal completely, and some people may take longer. To help manage the pain that is a common issue for most after any surgery, your doctor will recommend medications that will also assist in easing sore throats as well as soreness in the ear, neck or jaw. It is essential that you drink plenty of fluids as you heal, even though it can be tough with the sore throat. Drink plenty of water and indulge in popsicles to start with. Until the pain dissipates stick with plain, easy-to-swallow foods, such as applesauce for example. Graduate to pudding, yogurts, and frozen yogurt or ice cream until you are able to resume a healthy, normal diet. Even after a minor surgery, you need plenty of rest, avoid hard exercise for about to weeks that can cause you to breathe hard, making the throat raw. Once you do not require pain medication and can sleep through the night, your normal physical routines can continue.

Trouble Post Tonsil Removal Surgery

After surgery, pain, snoring, and fever under 102 F are normal. However, if you experience the following, call your doctor right away:
1) Headaches, feeling weak, dizzy, or lightheaded, indicate that you haven’t gotten enough fluids.
2) A fever 102 F or higher that doesn’t break after a few days.
3) Vomiting or feeling nauseous 12 hours after surgery or more.
If you experience the following, go to the emergency room:
4) Difficulty breathing
5) Any bleeding (keep in mind that small bits of dark blood in your nose or spit are normal, see your doctor however if you have bright red blood.)

Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy Surgery

We at the ENT Specialists take your tonsil surgery seriously and are there for you from start to finish. Call us today if you suspect you are in need of having your tonsils removed.

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