Understanding Tympanometry & Other Middle Ear Diagnostic Testing in Salt Lake City, UT
EEach hearing test is executed for different people and for various reasons while there are number of ways to identify a hearing loss. A medical expert can determine the type and degree of hearing loss you are experiencing with hearing tests. Where the hearing is impacted in quite a few ways, the middle ear can be significantly affected. The outer, middle, and inner ear are the three basic parts of an ear. An issue with the middle air can be a problem and it makes it hard for sounds to go from your outer ear to your inner ear and then the brain. Designed for the middle ear, there are a few hearing tests, such as tympanometry; static acoustic measures; and acoustic reflex measures. We at ENT Specialists would like to discuss the basics of these tests. Especially important for children ages 3 to 5, middle ear testing is essential for any age. Young kids are more likely to have hearing loss due to middle ear problems and due to these issues, such as ear infections.
Acoustic Reflex Measures
A tiny muscle in the middle ear tightens when a loud sound is heard. This happens while you do not even realize it, which us known as acoustic reflex. Before this reflex occurs, the loud volume of the sound needs to be heard, which is very telling about your hearing. Much like a test known as tympanometry, the acoustic reflex measurement test is used with a probe placed in the ear, causing a sound and a device will record the reflux.
Tympanometry Test
With tympanometry, the efficiency of the way your eardrum moves is tested. The audiologist places into each ear a small probe, which resembles an earphone. Attached to a small device, the probe pushes air into your ear. The person testing you will see a graph on the device, which is known as a tympanogram. Until the test is concluded, all the patient does is sit still for the test. Through the shape of the graph, the audiologist can tell about how your eardrum moves. Tympanometry can identify a few problems, such as if the ear moves too much, is affected by a hole in it, if the ear is stiff, or if your eardrum moves the correct way. This test can also help find an ear infection in a child as well.
Static Acoustic Impedance Audiometry
With this test, the amount of air in the ear canal is measured. The test can help identify if the eardrum has a hole. Some people have tubes put in their eardrums in order to improve hearing and stop ear infections. The test can detect problems should your tubes be open or blocked. Also recognized through this test is detecting if you have fluid behind your eardrum.
Middle Ear Diagnostic Testing & Treatment
Our medical professionals can help diagnose any middle of the ear problems and treatment solutions, no matter what you need middle ear tests for. Contact ENT Specialists today and let us help you find relief for all your ear, nose and throat problems.
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