What Causes Skin Tags, How to Get Rid of Them & What to Expect After Skin Tag Removal
As we go through life we are bound to have different health problems that pop up. Some of the issues that arise are large and life changing. Others are small and simple to take care of. It is in our best interest to take of our bodies no matter how large or small the issue is. An example of a small problem that you may experience is skin tags. Here at the ENT Specialists we offer a service that can help you get rid of any skin tags that you may have on your body. Today we want to teach you more about what skin tags are and what to do about them.
What are Skin Tags? Acrochordon Definition
Let’s start by talking more about what skin tags are. The medical term for skin tags is acrochordons. They are small growths of tissue that stick out from the surface of the skin. Most of the time they are the same color as your skin or just a little bit darker. Most of the time they are rather small but sometimes they grow larger. Most do not grow more than 3 centimeters in size.
Where on Body Do Skin Tags Grow?
Most of the time skin tags do not cause any pain or discomfort. When they do cause pain or discomfort it is typically because they are rubbing against clothing or jewelry. There are some spots where skin tags are more likely to grow. They like to grow on the folds of the skin where moisture and friction are common. Common places for skin tags are on the eyelids, on the neck, under your arms, in the armpit region, under your breast, on the torso, and near your genitals.
What Causes Skin Tags
If you have skin tags you probably are curious about why you get skin tags. Research has been inconclusive about the cause of skin tags. There do seem to be a few common risk factors though. Research done at the Cleveland Clinic shows that women are more likely than men to get skin tags. Typically skin tags start to appear when you hit middle age. It is just a common skin ailment that is related to getting older. There appears to be a genetic predisposition to skin tags as well. If you have family members with skin tags you are more likely to get them as well. There are also some other health issues that seem to be linked to skin tags. If you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, hormonal imbalances, or a metabolic syndrome you may be more likely to develop skin tags as well.
How to Get Rid of Skin Tags
If you develop skin tags there are a few different ways to get rid of them. You can try to get rid of them yourself. Some people have luck with apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, oregano oil, iodine, garlic, vitamin E, banana peels, castor oil and baking soda, cinnamon supplements, and improving their diet. Sometime these methods do not work though and you will need medical attention. Trying to get rid of them is not always a safe option though. If you have skin tags around your eyes you definitely want to seek medical treatment. You also do not want to try any methods unless you know that they are definitely skin tags. They may be cancerous and you will want a doctor’s care to determine if further action is needed.
Skin Tag Removal
If you have skin tags come see us here at ENT Specialists. Our medical professionals can help you safely get rid of your skin tags for you.
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