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What Does a Deviated Septum Feel Like?

Your nose is one of the first things people see when they look at you. You have seen people with a severely crooked nose, and clearly these people have a deviated septum. No nose is perfect, but a deviated septum not only makes your nose look different, it can have a great effect on other things as well. ENT Specialists is here to explain some of the symptoms that can be caused by a deviated septum and how to fix it.

What Can Cause a Deviated Septum?

Your septum is the bone and cartilage that separates your nostrils from one another. When that bone and cartilage is injured, if the injury is severe enough, it can change the shape of your septum leaving it crooked. A deviated septum can also be caused by congenital defects as well. At times, children may have undergone an injury effecting their septum and causing a slight deviation. It may not even be noticeable or cause any problems until they are older. A deviated septum is more prominent in adults because over time it usually gets worse. As you age, your nose may start to droop making the deviation more of an issue.

Signs of a Deviated Septum

There are several complications that a deviated septum can cause. Those include:
1. Difficulty Breathing– A deviated septum directly effects the air flow in and out of your nose. This causes difficulty breathing on a normal day, let alone if you have a severe cold or allergies. You will have the feeling that your nose is constantly stuffed with no reprieve from it.

2. Recurrent Sinus Infections– If you suffer from frequent sinus infections or cold symptoms, this is a huge sign of a deviated septum. Air isn’t the only thing that can’t move freely through your nose, mucus filled with bacteria gets trapped in there causing infections that are difficult to get rid of. When you have severe allergies or infections it can cause inflammation which can also complicate breathing with a deviated septum.

3. Snoring– Because a deviated septum makes it difficult to breathe, you will most likely breathe through your mouth when you sleep. Breathing through your mouth causes your palate to vibrate and make noise.

4. Nose Bleeds– When someone has a deviated septum, they could experience regular nose bleeds. The bent or curved septum causes airflow to be turbulent through your nasal passageways and makes your nose dryer. This in turn can cause your nose to bleed easily and frequently.

Deviated Septum Repair & Surgical Procedure

If you have a deviated septum you will need a surgical procedure called septoplasty in order to fix it. In this case, the surgeon will move your septum back into place. He/she at times will have to reshape your nose externally which is called a rhinoplasty. If they are performed together it is known as a septorhinoplasty. When children suffer from a deviated septum, most doctors will recommend waiting until their nose is finishing growing before performing any surgery.

Deviated Septum Diagnosis & Treatment

If you have any symptoms of a deviated septum, it is time to see a doctor. The ear, nose, and throat specialists at ENT Specialists have the experience and training needed to properly diagnose you, and you get you on the way to feeling better. Call us to make an appointment today.

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