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What Is Balloon Sinuplasty?

Having sinus problems now and then is normal, especially if you have a cold. However, some people develop chronic issues that cause frequent sinus blockages that may lead to infections. When sinus problems become chronic, the usual treatments don’t always help. 

The experts at ENT Specialists may be able to help if you have chronic sinus problems. We offer numerous treatments, and evaluate each patient individually before making recommendations. 

In the past, the most common treatment option was traditional sinus surgery, which is quite invasive and can include a long, painful recovery. A more recently developed procedure, balloon sinuplasty, is minimally invasive and is often a better treatment option. 

The procedure, explained

Traditional surgery, or open surgery, requires incisions. Balloon sinuplasty, on the other hand, is performed endoscopically, and doesn’t usually require incisions or the removal of bone or other tissue. Our doctors perform this procedure while you’re under general anesthesia, and use a wire catheter. 

Removing the infected material is usually the first step, then a balloon attached to the wire catheter is inflated inside your sinus cavity. As the balloon inflates it gently expands the area in your sinus cavity, allowing your body’s natural drainage system to function properly. 

Benefits of balloon sinuplasty

Any surgery carries inherent risks, but a minimally invasive procedure like balloon sinuplasty is safer than an open surgery. Along with resulting in better-functioning sinuses, this procedure offers the following benefits: 

It’s minimally invasive

Your doctor gets to your sinus cavity through your nostril, so you won’t have an incision. No incision means that your risk of infection is much lower. You’re also less likely to have bleeding, bruising, or inflammation. 

No need to remove tissue

Your doctor won’t need to cut away any of your nasal passages. Your bone and soft tissue remains intact, and you likely won’t need nasal packing afterward. 

Faster recovery

You might just need one day to recover. Most people don’t have any bruising  or black eyes, either. Since balloon sinuplasty is minimally invasive, you don’t have to wait for an incision to heal, and because you don’t lose any tissue, the healing time is far faster than with traditional surgery. 

Are you a candidate? 

Balloon sinuplasty works best when your condition is relatively new, so if you’ve recently been diagnosed with a chronic sinus condition, it may be right for you. As with many medical conditions, early diagnosis improves the chances for permanently correctly a sinus issue. 

There are some symptoms that make it more likely you’re a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty, including: 

If you’ve had chronic sinus issues for a long time, polyps, or a deviated septum, you may not be a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty. Depending on your situation, you may need a combination of surgical treatments to correct your problems. 

If you’d like to learn more, book a consultation at ENT Specialists so that they can provide guidance based on your specific situation. You can book online at any of our locations, or simply call the office that works best for you.

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