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Exercises For Dizziness


Habituation (Brant-Daroff) Exercises

Balance exercises decrease dizziness, and have been prescribed for you. Although the exercises are accomplished by turning your head and neck , the exercises are performed to help the brain compensate for the injury to the balance system.

This diagram illustrates how these balance system exercises should be done. Instead of avoiding certain situations of positions that cause dizziness, repeat them. These repetitions will hasten the recovery process. While avoiding dizziness is the more comfortable for most patients, the only way to regain complete balance function is to use your balance system. The goal of these exercises is to improve compensation in a period of time.

Sit on the edge of a bed with your feet flat on the ground.

  1. Turn your head to the LEFT and lie down QUICKLY onto your RIGHT side.
    If you do not have symptoms, remain here and count to 30.
    If you DO have symptoms, wait until they are completely gone, then count to 30.
  2. QUICKLY sit up and look straight ahead.
    If you do not have symptoms, remain here and count to 30.
    If you DO have symptoms, wait until they are completely gone, then count to 30.
  3. Turn your head to the RIGHT and lie down QUICKLY onto your LEFT side.
    If you do not have symptoms, remain here and count to 30.
    If you DO have symptoms, wait until they are completely gone, then count to 30.
  4. QUICKLY sit up and look straight ahead.
    If you do not have symptoms, remain here and count to 30.
    If you DO have symptoms, wait until they are completely gone, then count to 30.

This completes one cycle.
Repeat 3 cycles per session, 3 sessions a day

To maximize the benefits of this exercise; perform in a will-lit room, keep your head still, your eyes open and focused, limit any distractions and concentrate on the steadiness or your surrounding (the ground, objects in the room, etc.).

Once you are able to perform exercises without feeling any symptoms for 3 consecutive days, you can stop the exercise protocol.

However, It is recommended that you complete 1 cycle to “test” yourself daily for symptoms (first thing in the morning) – if they recur you should resume the protocol.

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